For all of this to happen, however, we need to build a strong campaign. This page sets out some of things that we can all do right now.
5 Ways to Fight Leeds City Council and PFI.
1. Get your elected representatives to “represent” you!
They may be next to useless, but YOU pay their wages, they’re supposed to represent YOU! Write to your local MP, Hilary Benn, and tell him that the Council seriously misled you about the planned Comprehensive Regeneration of the estate. There are countless examples of how they conned people into stating a preference for the PFI (see the end of this post). Ask him to complain on your behalf to both Leeds City Council and the Department for Communities and Local Government.
Hilary Benn MP
2 Blenheim Terrace, Leeds,
LS2 9JG, BennH@parliament.uk
You should also complain to the ward's local councillors. However, be warned, they have been totally behind the PFI as it is a policy of the ruling Lib-Dem/Tory/Green coalition that run Leeds City Council. Not only that, but they seem totally unware of what PFI is, how it works and it will mean for the estate. We recommend that you go for a more direct route this time - tell them that if they don't come down to the estate and listen to people's concerns and arguments, you will be campaigning to vote them out during the next council elections in May 2007.
Cllr Kabeer Hussain, Lib Dem
4 Beck Rd, Leeds, LS8 4EJ,
Cllr Linda Rhodes-Clayton, Lib Dem
237 St Wilfrid's Avenue, Leeds, LS8 3PS
Cllr Penny Ewens, Lib Dem
3 Holmwood Drive, Leeds, LS6 4NF
2. Lodge a formal complaint against Leeds City Council
First of all, make an official complaint to Leeds City Council about they way they have treated you – they are obliged to investigate the issue and respond. While you’re at it also complain directly to the government.
Department for Communities and Local Government
Eland House, Bressenden Place
London, SW1E 5DU
Leeds City Council
PO BOX 657, LS1 9BS
If this doesn’t get you anywhere, then take your complaint to both the Local Government Ombudsman (who investigates if the council has treated you unjustly) and the District Audit Office (which investigates whether the Council has misspent taxpayers’ money – YOUR MONEY).
Local Government Ombudsman
Anne Seex
Beverley House, 17 Shipton Road
York YO30 5FZ
01904 380200, enquiries@lgo.org.uk
Advice line: 0845 602 1983
District Auditor
Adrian Lythgo
KPMG, St James Building
St James Square, Manchester, M2 6DS
0161 838 4000, adrian.lythgo@kpmg.co.uk
3. Take legal action against the Council
We’ve been advised by solicitors that Leeds City Council may have broken the law over the way it misled tenants over the PFI scheme. Your human rights may have been violated. Contact Save Little London Campaign (see our contact details above) for more details. If you have a low income or on benefits, you might be entitled to legal aid.
The main challenge could be through 'Judicial Review' - read more about what this is by clicking the link.
4. Use the Media
The British press loves a scandal, especially involving politicians and corrupt local councils. Hostile media coverage often forces decision-makers to change their minds. Write letters to the local and national press, ring radio phone-ins, invite journalists to investigate Leeds City Council’s behaviour. Use our list of media contacts below.
Asian Express verity@asianexpress.co.uk
Asian Leader newsdesk@asianleader.co.uk
Leeds Student editor@leedsstudent.org.uk
Leeds Weekly News lwneditorial@ypn.co.uk
Metro (Leeds) karen.joyner@ukmetro.co.uk
Morley Today editorial@morleytoday.co.uk
Press Association paleeds@pa.press.net
Yorkshire Evening Post yp.newsdesk@ypn.co.uk
Financial Times nick.timmins@ft.com
Guardian home@guardian.co.uk
Independent news@independent.co.uk
Mirror mirrornews@mirror.co.uk
Morning Star newsed@macunlimited.net
Observer news@observer.co.uk
Red Pepper news@redpepper.org.uk
Socialist Worker reports@socialistworker
Useful journalists
George Monbiot g.monbiot@zetnet.co.uk
Polly Toynbee polly.toynbee@guardian.co.uk
Nick Cohen nick.cohen@observer.co.uk
Peter Lazenby peter.lazneby@ypn.co.uk
Hilary Wainwright hilary1@manc.org
Seumas Milne seumas.milne@guardian.co.uk
Joel Turner joel.turner@ypn.co.uk
Matt Weaver matthew.weaver@guardian.co.uk
Matthew Tempest matthew.tempest@guardian.co.uk
Aire FM aire.news@radioaire.com
Galaxy 105 news105@galaxy105.co.uk
BBC Radio Leeds radio.leeds@bbc.co.uk
Pulse Radio news@pulse.co.uk
Radio 1 newsbeat@bbc.co.uk
Radio 2 tim.collins@bbc.co.uk
Radio 4 midday@bbc.co.uk
Radio 5 fivelive@bbc.co.uk
Calendar calendar@yorkshire.tv.co.uk
BBC Look North look.north@bbc.co.uk
BBC Breakfast breakfast@bbc.co.uk
Channel 4 News news@channel4.com
Five News news@five.tv
Newsnight newsnight@bbc.co.uk
Sky News news.plan@bskyb.com
5. Join the Save Little London Campaign
We can achieve far more working with each other than we can by ourselves. Our regular meetings are a source of solidarity and support. Over the next few months, we plan to hold public meetings with other tenants’ groups, lobbies, demonstrations, community events and film nights as part of a high-profile campaign. Joining the Save Little London Campaign is FREE.
We meet every first and third Monday of the month, 7pm, in The Rifleman Pub. We’re all a friendly bunch and aim to make these meetings a social occasion.
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